Saturday, January 8, 2011

Arizona congresswoman among 12 shot at Tucson grocery -

This is absolutely disgusting. This is America and everyone has a right to have a different opinion. I know the details are not out right now but since Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was in a tight election against a Tea Party candidate, something smells fishy here.  It was definitely premeditated. You do not get the right to go out and shoot someone just because you don't agree with them. What about the rest of the electorate that votes for Ms. Giffords? Do you go out and shoot them too? I know that the Tea Party made big gains in November but you don't see me carrying a gun to shot them? No, I voice my opinion via this blog. I think the best way to get my point across to others is to state my beliefs. You may not agree with them but they are still MY beliefs. With this, everyone is different. Everyone has different beliefs. I support my beliefs here but you have every right to support your beliefs on your blog, webpage, paper, meeting, book or pamphlet. I hope and pray for Ms. Giffords' condition to improve. My thoughts and prayers are with the others either injured or killed by this exchange. This is totally unacceptable...

Arizona congresswoman among 12 shot at Tucson grocery -

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