Sunday, February 20, 2011

Koch Brothers Behind Wisconsin Effort To Kill Public Unions - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - Forbes

Not a big surprise. But stand up against the Tea Party. Stand up against the Koch brothers. They are against collective bargaining because they are against workers rights. They are for profits only. Sound familiar? It should because this was America at the start of the industrial revolution. Why would we want to go back to that age? Really? Stand up! Speak out! Protect our rights to unionize!

Koch Brothers Behind Wisconsin Effort To Kill Public Unions - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - Forbes


  1. Really, and I mean this seriously, what possesses someone to rally against the rights of workers? I simply do not understand this mindset.

    I have a friend who teaches in Ohio, where they're facing the same type of crap. She posted the fact that, if the Ohio reforms in SB5 go through as proposed, they would have to move.

    One of their friends had the audacity to respond "Oh, we can't afford to pay you guys, so you'll take your pay cut and continue teaching and be fine."

    Which leads me to two questions:

    1) Why is this person still your friend?


    2) How do you manage to physically restrain yourself from punching said former friend in the face?

  2. I completely agree. This is what scares me right now. The right's response is like this is a mandate. Their is no compromise. Really? You are going to play that card? If so, then there was a mandate for health reform... I don't understand why more people don't see what's actually being taken away. This is SO more than a simple budget bill. I'm sure the Democratic Senators will come back if the collective bargaining provision is taken out of the bill.
