Okay. A stray from the regular political banter tonight. I'm posting about something near and dear to my heart. In this the holiday season that is now upon us, it's important to think of those less fortunate than us. Each year (this being the twelfth), we host a holiday party. As cover for this party, we ask our guests to bring an unwrapped toy. This is an alternative to a gift exchange for most of my family and friends are really self-sufficient. By hosting this annual event, we collected nearly $2000 in toys and have donated those toys to Toys for Tots each year. So, think of hosting a similar event. Think of all the toys we could donate for those whose holiday is not so bright. What a wonderful gift this is to bring some joy to a little boy or girl this holiday season. And you don't have to host a big shindig like we do each year. You could donate a new toy to a local Toys for Tots bin near you. And isn't that the real meaning of the holiday spirit? Below is an image of the toy we collected and donated last year... (and no, the cats were not donated... :) )