Yes! It's time for the left to WAKE UP and show the Tea Party fakes for the frauds they are. Stand up! Let's march. Let's show our numbers and let the TEA PARTY KNOW THAT THEY ARE NOT THE ONLY VOICE IN GOVERNMENT! Stand up NOW!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Time for the jobless to march on Washington -
Sunday, August 7, 2011
N.J. Gov. Christie Won’t Hear It From Shariah ‘Crazies’ - Truthdig
Wow! I am impressed. A Republican doing the right thing. Please commend New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for doing the right thing and exposing conservative fear of Shariah law as CRAP! Because it is...
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
First Read - Perry religious event draws scrutiny, carries potential risk
Okay - I will not go into the separation of church and state here. Although, that is another concern for this event. But my concern stems from this "prayer-in" is that he is seeking support from the big man with the cowboy hat in the sky for help bringing down unemployment. Really? Are you from the same party that is against tax hikes for the wealthiest of the wealthiest of this country? But is it that those tax hikes would help balance the budget while not impacting the class that is now impacted by the recent debt deal? Really, praying to the big guy with the cowboy hat in the sky is going to solve this? Apparently, I'm not the only one who see though this absurdity. Only 8000 tickets of a 70,000 seat stadium have been claimed. Ha Ha Ha HA! This should be viewed as a BIG rejection of his bigotry...
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Photojournalist Arrested for Filming Police - TVSpy
Is this what the country is coming to? A photojournalist arrested for filming a crime scene? What about freedom of information. Freedom of press? The photojournalist was not impacting the investigation but the police officer overstepped his authority arresting the photojournalist. This is the country I fear. Our rights are being taken away from us. It's time to step up and restore the rights that have been taken away...
Monday, August 1, 2011
Why GOP frosh said yes to debt deal - Marin Cogan -
I absolutely hate, loathe and find the Tea Baggers (sorry Tea Party - YOU SUCK!) absolutely despicable. The fact that they do not compromise and hold the government hostage like TERRORISTS is a failure of our government. Now more than ever, we need a credible third or forth party in congress. The Tea Party does have their place in our political system but they CAN NOT hold the rest of congress and the rest of the country hostage because they just don't get what they want. A two year old acts that way. Not adults, not political representatives. This is why I HATE, LOATHE, DESPISE the Tea Party. I hope we start to vote them out in 2012 and 2014...
I hope Google will place this high in their search settings... THE TEA PARTY SUCKS!
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