Saturday, June 25, 2011

New York moves to become 6th state to legalize gay marriage -

This is good news. Why anyone would vote against love is beyond me... This is a civil rights issue, plain and simple. You have every right as straight people even if your sexual orientation is different. This is a step in the right direction. Soon, rights will be equal in EVERY state...

New York moves to become 6th state to legalize gay marriage -

Sunday, June 19, 2011

McCain blames some Arizona wildfires on illegal immigrants -

How could you Senator McCain? This is a low blow. First, can I state the obvious? You live in a FREAKING DESERT! And secondly, climate change is making your state dryer...

And NO! You can't take our water. Michigan is becoming wetter. And you can't take our water. You will have to leave your desert and move up here and create JOBS! Shut your pie hole and do something...

McCain blames some Arizona wildfires on illegal immigrants -

Friday, June 17, 2011

Republican Group Targets Its Own Party : NPR

And this is why I am no longer a Republican. Those of us who were moderates have been cleansed from the party. I hope the right wing fails because of this. To exclude a huge portion of the populous, I think is a HUGE mistake.

Republican Group Targets Its Own Party : NPR