Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How America will collapse (by 2025) - U.S. Economy - Salon.com

Something that I found interesting in this article is towards the end. A bloated military budget and starving educational budget. Sounds familiar doesn't it? This kind of spending on the bloated military budget does not bode well for America's future...

How America will collapse (by 2025) - U.S. Economy - Salon.com:

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wisconsin Assembly approves limiting reasons for recall - chicagotribune.com

What the Republican's are doing to stay in power although the tide has turned against them is simply amazing. From gerrymandering, to unconstitutional voter IDs laws and now this! Changing the rules on recall elections. 

How far can you go to suppress the votes of the PEOPLE? Absolutely disgusting!

Wisconsin Assembly approves limiting reasons for recall - chicagotribune.com:

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